The other day Artistic leader of Stedets Væsen [Being of Place], Madeleine Kate McGowan, presented our work via a videocall for a group of 15 students at Yale University, USA, invested in designing for the multi-species city.

Artistic leader Madeleine Kate McGowan, presenting at Yale University, 2023
Stedets Væsen, which is a part of The New European Bauhaus, aims to ensure that qualities are conserved and amplified in construction projects to increase future value while remaining embedded in receptivity toward locally bound qualities and the ‘hidden voices’ of place – the social, sensory, historic and biological.

The one-hour presentation offered a look into the process of the creation of the new character, The Garden Caretaker, which is just about to start at the old industrial site in Herlev, inviting local citizens into an exploration of the multi-species community in their neighbourhood.
The course tiled: Feral surfaces and multi species cities, is directed by Ariane Lourie Harrison (PhD, AIA, LEED AP) of the Harrison Atelier (NY), invited Stedets Væsen to be a part of the Yale course this Spring semester of 2023.

Stedets Væsen as a part of The New European Bauhaus, with the project The Garden Caretaker [Haveværten]