Kategori: Arkitektur
Fremtidens Arkitekter
Hvordan kan vi bedre forstå den nye generation af forbrugere og arbejdstagere? Vi spørger dem direkte. Derfor har Stine, skribent for ungdomsmagasinet SEIN, talt med fire arkitektstuderende om deres syn på den branche, de er ved at træde ind i, og deres tanker om fremtidens byggeri. Artikel skrevet af Stine Amalie Helmo Kisling, kulturskribent på…
Moving away from separation
New European Bauhaus is an initiative that aims to connect the EU Green Deal with our daily lives and ways of living. One of the outcomes from the New European Bauhaus Festival in Brussels this April was a White Paper made by the multidisciplinary design institute, Dark Matter Labs, about A New European Bauhaus economy. The paper highlights key challenges embedded in the built environment,…
Seeing the city as a garden
Article by landscape architect and researcher Anna Aslaug Lund about Human-made urban landscapes for The NXT magazine: Garden of Desire. In essence, as physical spaces that contain multiple lives and stories, could we not then describe cities as remodeled landscapes? Landscapes that have been carved, molded, split, fitted out by humans over decades, centuries, millennia. And…
Book Review – Nybrogade Press
NXT has established a publishing house, Nybrogade Press, to channel and communicate hybrids of art, design, philosophy and calls to action traversing and inspired by Scandinavia. Initially we produce four high-quality monographs per year, touching on green design, arboreal politics, feminism and activist performance, as well as a multi-voiced volume of essays. The collection will be…
NXT at UIA World Congress of Architects
As a part of the Desire panel debate at UIA World Congress of Architects CPH 2023, Madeleine Kate McGowan represented NXT in discussion on beauty as a part of the green transition in the built environment, in front of a full auditorium at Bella Center, Copenhagen. Apart from NXT, the panel featured Enlai Hooi (Senior Associate & Head…
Dobbelt boglanchering: A new green ethics
NXT inviterede 1. juni forskere, arkitekter, kunstnere og andre interesserede til lanceringen af husets nye forlag, Nybrogade Press, og kunne samtidigt fejre forlagets første to udgivelser. Bøgerne er skrevet af to toneangivende profiler fra den internationale arkitekturscene, og de var inviteret til en samtale om deres fælles omdrejningspunkt: en ny grøn etik i arkitektur- og byggebranchen.…
Stedets Væsen at Yale
The other day Artistic leader of Stedets Væsen [Being of Place], Madeleine Kate McGowan, presented our work via a videocall for a group of 15 students at Yale University, USA, invested in designing for the multi-species city. Artistic leader Madeleine Kate McGowan, presenting at Yale University, 2023 Stedets Væsen, which is a part of The…
NXT & wildtime på klimafolkemødet
Vi glæder os til at præsentere en serie dialoger på Klimafolkemødet om HJEM, REJSE, JORD. I klimaforandringernes tid må mennesket lære verden at kende på nye måder. Dette kræver et nyt sprog og en ny måde at manøvrere i sin verden. Hvordan kan vi møde stederne; deres liv, historier, tider, og forbinde os til dem fremfor at…
Planetary urban diversity – withdrawing, regenerating, and making-kin
Kristine Samson – Associate professor, Department of Communication and Arts, RUC has contributed to The NXT: Being of Place with this article on urban studies and multi-species. The city has long been understood as a place for encounters among people. A social and cultural space where people encounter what is different from themselves. Urban diversity is,…
Landscape design as collaboration between human and non-human
In a time when the work of landscape designers and architects, is becoming ever more important, we meet with Amsterdam-based landscape architectural bureau Inside Outside, which approaches designs as a dynamic and interdisciplinary process. Work-process at Inside Outside, Amsterdam Through our conversation with Founder Petra Blaisse and Partner Jana Crepon, we journey through reflections on their transformational…