Kategori: Biodiversitet
Multispecies Postcards
Multispecies Postcards is an analogue format developed by NXT and inspired by our year-long activation with the Garden Caretaker project in Herlev. Through creative and poetic writing, we tune into the voices of other species, exploring their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Imagine seeing the world through the eyes of a kestrel, an oak tree, or…
Yale diaries
Diary by artistic director at NXT, Madeleine Kate McGowan, from her journey to Yale School of Architecture this Spring 2024, as she was invited as guest-reviewer on the final presentations by students attending the seminar ‘Feral Surfaces – Multi Species Architecture’. — While the cherry-blossom trees were in early bloom in New York City, I…
Moving away from separation
New European Bauhaus is an initiative that aims to connect the EU Green Deal with our daily lives and ways of living. One of the outcomes from the New European Bauhaus Festival in Brussels this April was a White Paper made by the multidisciplinary design institute, Dark Matter Labs, about A New European Bauhaus economy. The paper highlights key challenges embedded in the built environment,…
Skal vi gå i haven?
Alfrieda Seren, kunstner, havealf og naturkontakts formidler deler i magasinet The NXT: Garden of Desire et dagbogsnotat fra en have i Aarhus. Jeg går i haven. Det har jeg gjort gennem hele min slægt. Min søsters semiambitiøse slægtsforskning endte ude i Vestjylland, hvor min slægt har levet med og af jorden, så længe papirsporene rækker. Og…
Seeing the city as a garden
Article by landscape architect and researcher Anna Aslaug Lund about Human-made urban landscapes for The NXT magazine: Garden of Desire. In essence, as physical spaces that contain multiple lives and stories, could we not then describe cities as remodeled landscapes? Landscapes that have been carved, molded, split, fitted out by humans over decades, centuries, millennia. And…
“Spis nu de fucking grøntsager”
En samtale mellem Madeleine Kate McGowan og sociolog, klimaaktivist, forperson for Andelsgaarde og forstander Suhrs Højskole, Rasmus Willig. Udgivet i The NXT: Garden of Desire. Hvad ligger der på din tallerken? Hvad længes du efter at spise en onsdag formiddag eller fredag aften? Hvad spiser du, når du er alene, som guilty food-pleasure? Og hvad…
Resonance and artistic practice
Like a gigantic raindrop fallen from the sky, on the outskirts of an old industrial compound, lies a shiny spherical construction. It does not resemble any of the other buildings in the neighborhood, and has, with its transparent structure, an apparent fragility. Here, one is neither outside nor inside. Or rather, one is precisely both.…
In the beginning was nature
On a symbolic level, the garden is our original home, a hortus conclusus, an architectural composition of earth, a material metaphor for our relation to nature. The gardens, which the hands of humans have cut, trimmed, cropped, watered; these shapes, figures and collections, tell us something about ourselves as a species. Different times have brought forth…
Haveværten informationsfolder
Vi introducerer hermed Haveværten som en ny karakter i samfundet – en kunstner, en nabo, en gartner, en vært med jord under neglene. Haveværten stimulerer via kunsten beboelighed for mange arter. En hybridkarakter, der inviterer borgere til sanseligt møde med stedet, mikrober, flora og fauna inde i sit drivhus og ude i de bynære landskaber.…
Lad Naturen Råde
Vordingborg Kommune fik sidste år titlen som Danmarks Vildeste Kommune. Under parolen ‘Lad Naturen Råde’ har de kæmpet for at sikre mere og vildere natur, både i deres store landområder, og deres bynære parker. NXT har talt med deres landskabsforvalter, Mikael Krongaard Grejsen, om kommunens fokus på biodiversitet, havekultur og kunsten at forme naturen til…
Stedets Væsen at Yale
The other day Artistic leader of Stedets Væsen [Being of Place], Madeleine Kate McGowan, presented our work via a videocall for a group of 15 students at Yale University, USA, invested in designing for the multi-species city. Artistic leader Madeleine Kate McGowan, presenting at Yale University, 2023 Stedets Væsen, which is a part of The…
Planetary urban diversity: withdrawing, regenerating, and making-kin
Kristine Samson – Associate professor, Department of Communication and Arts, RUC has contributed to The NXT: Being of Place with this article on urban studies and multi-species. Foto af Madeleine Kate McGowan The city has long been understood as a place for encounters among people. A social and cultural space where people encounter what is different…
At invitere svampe ind i vores magtcentre
Kunstner og aktivist Ida Dalsgaard Nicolaisen skrev sidste år sit speciale i et usædvanligt samarbejde med svampe, både de spiselige, giftige og psykedeliske. Hendes speciale undersøger og eksperimenterer med, hvordan man lytter til andre arter, og hvorfor det er vigtigt at byde dem indenfor i vores magtcentre. ”I vores nuværende samfund ser man andre arter…