Open Call

Visual contributions for the fourth edition of the printed magazine

Theme: Transformations of Care

Intersection: arts, culture, built environments, materials, nature, temporality, ecology

Formats: photography, illustrations, paintings, collage, renderings, graphical design, experimental visuals, etc.

What we are exploring

In this fourth edition of The NXT, we highlight transformations – of the built environment, our society, and aesthetics. In a time that calls for radical change, we need to stop building new and instead transform and renovate our buildings, neighbourhoods and lived environments: rooted in new and old cultures of care. We explore care as a radical and rebellious practice in an era marked by planetary overshoot and poly-crisis. What does this mean for our experiences of beauty, nature, home, temporality and materials?

We invite you to contribute

With this Open Call, we invite visual artists and others working in the aesthetic field to contribute to our next issue of The NXT, exploring the theme, Transformations of Care. We cherish diversity of expression, age, background and culture, and invite anyone with an explorative, playful, poetic and visionary visual expression to apply. We seek visual works that explore, challenge, and expand our theme within contexts of new materials, temporal explorations, art, ecology, transformation, hybridity, caring and built environments.

What is The NXT

With our printed magazine, The NXT, we seek to stimulate a new language for a new time. All the fundamental elements of our lives, industries and societies, must be recalibrated to meet the various crises we find ourselves in – the way we live, the idea of ​​what the good life is, what we desire, the relationship with time, with beauty – and, not least, with nature. It is precisely these explorations that The NXT magazine was created to materialize in a critical and in-depth way, based on an international interdisciplinary network of voices, shapers and dwellers. The NXT is committed to fostering hybrid, interdisciplinary communities by bridging silos between construction, society, art and ecology.

Submission details
Email submissions or inquiries to:
Deadline: May 15th, 2025
Artist fee: 1,500 DKK

The publication is supported by Statens Kunstfond.

Articles related to The NXT:

Article by Nikolaj Schultz: Major Tom at the farm: Rearticulating freedom in our new climatic regime

Article by Nikolaj Schultz, Sociologist & writer for The NXT: Garden of Desire. This article is based on the conviction that if political ecology is to succeed in creating political results and competing on an equal footing with the ideologies…

Skal vi gå i haven?

Alfrieda Seren, kunstner, havealf og naturkontakts formidler deler i magasinet The NXT: Garden of Desire et dagbogsnotat fra en have i Aarhus. Jeg går i haven. Det har jeg gjort gennem hele min slægt. Min søsters semiambitiøse slægtsforskning endte ude i…

Seeing the city as a garden

Article by landscape architect and researcher Anna Aslaug Lund about Human-made urban landscapes for The NXT magazine: Garden of Desire. In essence, as physical spaces that contain multiple lives and stories, could we not then describe cities as remodeled landscapes? Landscapes…

Sneak peaks to earlier printed magazines:


