Tag: Haveværten

  • Multispecies Postcards

    Multispecies Postcards

    Multispecies Postcards is an analogue format developed by NXT and inspired by our year-long activation with the Garden Caretaker project in Herlev.  Through creative and poetic writing, we tune into the voices of other species, exploring their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Imagine seeing the world through the eyes of a kestrel, an oak tree, or…

  • Resonance and artistic practice 

    Resonance and artistic practice 

    Like a gigantic raindrop fallen from the sky, on the outskirts of an old industrial compound, lies a shiny spherical construction. It does not resemble any of the other buildings in the neighborhood, and has, with its transparent structure, an apparent fragility. Here, one is neither outside nor inside. Or rather, one is precisely both.…

  • Haveværten informationsfolder

    Haveværten informationsfolder

    Vi introducerer hermed Haveværten som en ny karakter i samfundet – en kunstner, en nabo, en gartner, en vært med jord under neglene. Haveværten stimulerer via kunsten beboelighed for mange arter.  En hybridkarakter, der inviterer borgere til sanseligt møde med stedet, mikrober, flora og fauna inde i sit drivhus og ude i de bynære landskaber.…