Tag: Magazine
Article by Nikolaj Schultz: Major Tom at the farm: Rearticulating freedom in our new climatic regime
Article by Nikolaj Schultz, Sociologist & writer for The NXT: Garden of Desire. This article is based on the conviction that if political ecology is to succeed in creating political results and competing on an equal footing with the ideologies that defined the 19th and 20th centuries, then it must offer a concept of freedom…
Skal vi gå i haven?
Alfrieda Seren, kunstner, havealf og naturkontakts formidler deler i magasinet The NXT: Garden of Desire et dagbogsnotat fra en have i Aarhus. Jeg går i haven. Det har jeg gjort gennem hele min slægt. Min søsters semiambitiøse slægtsforskning endte ude i Vestjylland, hvor min slægt har levet med og af jorden, så længe papirsporene rækker. Og…
Seeing the city as a garden
Article by landscape architect and researcher Anna Aslaug Lund about Human-made urban landscapes for The NXT magazine: Garden of Desire. In essence, as physical spaces that contain multiple lives and stories, could we not then describe cities as remodeled landscapes? Landscapes that have been carved, molded, split, fitted out by humans over decades, centuries, millennia. And…
Resonance and artistic practice
Like a gigantic raindrop fallen from the sky, on the outskirts of an old industrial compound, lies a shiny spherical construction. It does not resemble any of the other buildings in the neighborhood, and has, with its transparent structure, an apparent fragility. Here, one is neither outside nor inside. Or rather, one is precisely both.…
The NXT: Garden of Desire
I tredje oplag af vores tidskrift The NXT undersøger vi temaet Garden of Desire. Gennem artikler, noder, digte og billeder, udfolder vi, hvordan haven kan rammesætte nye naturforståelser. Og med nye naturforståelser opstår der alternative idéer om hvad en skøn have er og hvad det er vi som mennesker begærer. Vi har i dette magasin,…
In the beginning was nature
On a symbolic level, the garden is our original home, a hortus conclusus, an architectural composition of earth, a material metaphor for our relation to nature. The gardens, which the hands of humans have cut, trimmed, cropped, watered; these shapes, figures and collections, tell us something about ourselves as a species. Different times have brought forth…
Lad Naturen Råde
Vordingborg Kommune fik sidste år titlen som Danmarks Vildeste Kommune. Under parolen ‘Lad Naturen Råde’ har de kæmpet for at sikre mere og vildere natur, både i deres store landområder, og deres bynære parker. NXT har talt med deres landskabsforvalter, Mikael Krongaard Grejsen, om kommunens fokus på biodiversitet, havekultur og kunsten at forme naturen til…
NXT in Paris
Just before the beginning of 2023, NXT exhibited in Paris under the title Place of Encounter – An exhibition of earthly dialogues. It was a gathering of all our NXT Magazine contributors and a celebration of the collaboration with Paris-based 1909 Bookstore. Together with 1909 Bookstore, we invited guests to explore and immerse themselves in a series…
Planetary urban diversity: withdrawing, regenerating, and making-kin
Kristine Samson – Associate professor, Department of Communication and Arts, RUC has contributed to The NXT: Being of Place with this article on urban studies and multi-species. Foto af Madeleine Kate McGowan The city has long been understood as a place for encounters among people. A social and cultural space where people encounter what is different…
The NXT: Being of Place
I andet oplag af vores tidskrift The NXT undersøger vi temaet Being of Place (Stedets Væsen). Gennem artikler, instruktioner, sansninger og billeder, udfolder vi, hvad et sted kan være. Med bidrag fra blandt andre filosof Benjamin Christensen, stemme-øvelser fra operasanger Lucie Cure, interview med stifter af Sisters Hope Gry Worre Hallberg, artikel om New European…
The NXT: Melting Platform
Vi har samlet tanker og stemninger i tidsskriftet The NXT. Med bidrag fra blandt andre billedkunstner Kirstine Bjerre, tale af Esther Kjeldahl, digte af Adrian Preisler, refleksioner fra forsker i kritik Rasmus Willig og mange flere fantastiske folk. Gennem kunst, filosofi og visuel aktivisme undersøger vi tiden og klimakrisen på tærsklen til det nye årti. …